Live-work-play suburban to urban transformation

explore and discover

blog photo, showing woman exploring and discovering York Region with a young boy from inside a bus

Sometimes we’re so locked into daily routines we stop noticing what’s new and changing around us. York Region is made up of fast-growing communities. As we go about living, working, and commuting we don’t always see the new park around the corner, the tulips blooming, new buildings under construction, or the blue glass on that new bus station.

Things change gradually. Bit by bit, our communities grow to meet our needs. New greenspace makes the neighbourhood a nice place to spend time. New buildings give us places to live and work, and new bus rapidways, terminals and subways bring new travel options and connection points. Choices and options are what make the places we choose to live that much better and here in York Region we’re seeing those changes continue to improve our way of life.

As our communities grow and people adopt new technology and travel patterns, we drive change together. Bus rapid transit and subway connections are a key part of planning for change and growth. We’ve been steadily building projects in York Region that not only provide rapid transit, but also put new infrastructure in place. These investments in new underground utilities, new bridges, tree-lined sidewalks and accessible traffic signals will prepare for current and future residents and businesses. Transit supports growth and development as communities continue to grow.

With all these changes come new possibilities. So be inspired, explore your community this spring and discover the wonderful places around you.