
it’s all about people

Over the past few years, transit needs across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area [GTHA] have been a top priority. We’re proud that York Region is actively working to meet those needs by bringing rapid transit to our region. In 2002, the Region produced the York Region Transportation Master Plan and the follow-up Rapid Transit Plan, outlining the Region’s blueprint of multiple transportation initiatives to be built over the next 30 years.

With such a great emphasis on the need for transportation across the GTHA, one would think congestion is what’s driving us to transform the way people commute across our Region. What if we were to tell you that it’s actually people, not vehicles, that drive us to make urban centres connected by transportation ‘corridors?’ We believe that by focusing on people, and thinking about how they will be able to get around the region more easily with efficient transportation options, is how we lead this transformation.  People are looking for more choices, and convenience is top of mind.

For example, much of the new development around vivastations is mixed-use, which provides housing, employment, retail, dining, services and recreation – all within walking distance of transit. At its core, this puts people first – by creating welcoming public spaces and offering an array of amenities, these communities will continue to prosper and thrive.

Join us on our journey of putting people first by connecting them with their community and more choices.


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