Archaeological assessment about to begin

May 13, 2010

Starting the week of May 17th, archaeologists will be working along Davis Drive to carry out some archaeological assessments.

Why Are We Doing This?

We will be doing this work to meet the requirements of the 2007 North Yonge Street Corridor Public Transit Improvements Environmental Assessment, which identified 32 areas of potential archaeological interest along Davis Drive. This work is being done to ensure that any important historical artifacts are identified before the roadway is widened for the rapidway.

What Will This Involve?

The assessments are very simple, the holes are dug by hand and soil sifted for artifacts. A one foot by one foot hole, approximately one to two feet deep, will be dug approximately every 18 feet along the properties. The holes are then filled in before moving to the next location.

We will not be assessing entire properties. Work will only be done along the existing roadway on the land acquired by the Region for the road widening.

Archaeologists will do their best to ensure any inconvenience to you is minimized. Most properties will only require a day to assess, although some may take longer depending on how wide the property is.

Work will begin on May 17, and will take about 4 weeks to complete.

What Do We Expect to Find?

Although Davis Drive was an historic 19th century roadway, repeated development along the roadway suggests that it is unlikely that there will be any significant new findings. Findings would possibly include pottery, nails, utensils or other simple artifacts.