General Rapidways

Get assistance from your Community Liaison!

Our goal is to ensure that you can quickly and easily find answers to all your vivaNext questions on our comprehensive and constantly updated website. However, we also recognize that there may be times when you need to speak directly to someone about a specific related matter.

That’s why we have a vivaNext Community Liaison, Andrea Witty. Whether you’re a property owner, business operator, tenant, or any other community member directly affected by vivaNext construction, Andrea is readily available to assist you with any question regarding rapidway planning and construction.

Here’s how to reach her:

Andrea Witty
Community Liaison
Telephone: 905-886-6767  Ext. 1022
Cellphone: 416-554-1890

Throughout vivaNext construction, you will also find Andrea out in the community providing York Region residents and businesses with ongoing project information.

If you met Andrea, what would you ask her?